Felix Soto, lovingly known as “Winky”, “Soto,” or “Papa”, passed away peacefully on the morning of January 7th, 2025, at the age of 50. Surrounded by his beloved family at Banner Casa Grande Medical Center, Felix left this Earth to join God. In life and beyond, Felix exemplified boundless generosity — giving his all to others and continuing to do so after his passing as a registered total organ donor, saving and transforming lives even in death.
Born on February 3rd, 1974, in Globe, Arizona, Felix was the cherished son of Maria Alcaraz. As her first and only son, Felix held a special place in her heart. He was also the first of many grandsons to Eduardo and Josephine “Josie” Alcaraz, his beloved Nana and Tata, who played an instrumental role in his upbringing. Their unconditional love and guidance shaped him into the kind, compassionate man he became, and they will now embrace him again as he is laid to rest alongside them.
Felix grew up in Casa Grande, where he attended local schools before graduating from Casa Grande Union High School. It was during these formative years that he built lifelong friendships with Joseph Montijo, Andy Reyna, Eric Fossen, and many others. After high school, Felix pursued higher education at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff for two years before returning to his hometown, a place he always held dear.
Felix was a man of extraordinary character, known for his warm heart, generous spirit and radiant smile that could light up any room. His powerful voice, love for his family and commitment to his community left a lasting impression on everyone he met. Whether coaching youth soccer, cheering for his favorite football team, working out at the gym, or spending time with his children and grandchildren, Felix poured love and passion into everything he did.
Felix’s legacy lives on through his children, Aaron Soto, Angelica Soto, Alexander Soto (Cynthia Viveros-Soto), Alyssa Soto and his honorary bonus child, Reina Gonzales. He also leaves behind his cherished grandchildren, Thomas Bailey, Alina Soto, Nathaniel Bailey, Cameron Soto and Axel Jackson. Felix was a devoted brother to Anita Soto, Vanessa Estrada, and Rebecca Poma and a loving partner to Jennifer Apodaca, with whom he shared the last six years of his life. Together, they blended their families and Felix became a father figure to Jennifer’s daughters, Harley and Amelia Apodaca. Felix’s love extended beyond his immediate family to the many “soccer kids” whose lives he touched as a coach and mentor.
Felix was preceded in death by his Tata, Eduardo Alcaraz; Nana, Josephine Alcaraz; and other loved ones who now welcome him home.
A celebration of Felix’s life will be held on the morning of January 18, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, located at 402 East Cottonwood Lane in Casa Grande, Arizona. Father Ariel Lustan of St. Anthony of Padua will officiate the service with the Rosary and Scripture to follow. Felix will be escorted by his close cousin, Sergeant Karl Wischhusen, to his final resting place at Mt. View Cemetery. Following the service, a luncheon will be held at Francisco Grande, a place Felix cherished and often visited with his family for Easter brunches.
Felix Soto was a father, son, brother, friend, and coach whose life was defined by love. To know Felix was to know love.
J. Warren Funeral Services are handling arrangements.
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